In the very early hours of Monday morning, EC One girls, Myfanwy, Charlotte and Lauren, all met at Paddington station to get the Heathrow express. Four very sleepy hours later we arrived in a rainy but beautiful and lush Vreden, ready to be thrown into the world and home of Niessing.
Niessing’s factory is built in the centre of the town, being one of the oldest established companies in Vreden, surrounded by greenery and beautiful buildings. The factory is a wonderful, great 1960s building covering three floors which home everything from their offices to the workshops.
Despite only a few hours sleep, we enjoyed every moment. To begin our first day we were shown through the melting and recycling of metals, on to how they make their seamless wedding rings, fashion and set their world famous tension rings, and on the second day we talked through the design process for their true Niessing style jewellery.
At the end of our second day we were in for a treat – Niessing check every single diamond that comes into their company, to ensure that it can be set in the tension rings it needs to be of a certain quality so to not break and crush under the extreme pressure; clarity is of utmost importance. We were given a demonstration of this, viewing diamonds and certificates and the setting process.
However, it can be surely said that the true highlight was viewing the Heart &Arrow Cut Diamond – a round diamond that has a beautiful arrow head pattern when viewed from above, and heart shapes etched in the facets when viewed from below.
We’ve just had a brand new selection of rings come in from Niessing and can’t wait to show them all to you. Also, look out in the next few weeks for more information about how Niessing make their wedding rings, and how they set diamonds so they look like they’re floating!